Engine for SKODA SUPERB 1ST GEN (01.2004-02.2009) 4DR 2.5L (DIESEL)(01.2004-02.2009) Region: INDIA Production year: 2004 – 2009 Engine type: BDG Body type: SEDAN air cleaner with connecting parts (2.5ltr.) air duct viscous coupling fan wheel (1.8-2.8ltr. 1.9/2.5l 6 cylinder 2.8ltr.) base engine with crankshaft pistons, cylinder head, complete,oil pump and flywheel (2.5/2.8ltr.) camshaft, valves (2.5ltr.) charge air cooler (2.5ltr.) cover for intake manifold (2.5ltr.) crankshaft connecting rod bearings (2.5ltr.) cylinder block with pistons oil pan (2.5ltr.) cylinder head cylinder head cover (2.5ltr.) engine oil Exhaust gas turbocharger (2.5ltr.) fuel filter (2.5ltr.) injection pump (2.5ltr.) injector pressure pipes (2.5ltr.) intake manifold (2.5ltr.) oil pump oil cooler (2.5ltr.) piston power steering pump (2.5ltr.) radiator reservoir (1.8-2.8ltr.) repair kit for toothed belt with tensioning roller securing parts for engine (2.5ltr.) toothed belt toothed belt cover (2.5ltr.) vacuum pump (2.5ltr.) vacuum system exhaust recirculation (2.5ltr.) water cooling (2.5ltr.) water pump (2.8ltr. 2.5ltr.)